The Turtles

Turtles can be great pets because they are unique and easy to care for. If you’re wondering “what turtles make good pets,” you’ll find several options that might be perfect for you. From the energetic red-eared slider to the sturdy Russian tortoise, each turtle has its own special qualities. In this guide, we’ll look at the best turtles for pets and how to keep them happy and healthy.

Top Turtle Species for Pets

Turtles can make wonderful pets. They’re unique, low-maintenance, and fascinating to watch. If you’re considering adding a turtle to your family, here’s a look at some of the most popular and suitable turtle species.

Red-Eared Slider

Red-Eared Slider

The red-eared slider is one of the most recognized turtles. Its bright red markings around the ears make it easy to spot. These turtles are lively and active, enjoying plenty of swimming space. They need a large tank with both a water area and a dry basking spot. A varied diet including pellets, vegetables, and occasional live food will keep them healthy. They can live for over 20 years, so be prepared for a long-term commitment.

Russian Tortoise

Russian Tortoise

If you prefer a turtle that thrives on land, consider the Russian tortoise. This species is small, tough, and simple to care for. They prefer a dry environment with plenty of room to roam. They mostly eat leafy greens and vegetables. Russian tortoises are known for their friendly behavior and can become quite interactive with their owners. They’re perfect for those who want a low-maintenance but engaging pet.

Box Turtle

Box Turtle

Box turtles are another great choice, especially if you have a bit of space. These turtles have a unique shell that can close up, offering protection from predators. They thrive in a spacious enclosure with a mix of land and water. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and insects keeps them healthy. Box turtles have a longer lifespan, often exceeding 30 years, making them a long-term companion.

Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

The painted turtle is renowned for its vibrant colors and intricate shell patterns. They enjoy aquatic environments and need a tank with both water and land areas. Painted turtles are social creatures and enjoy interaction. Their diet should include aquatic plants, small fish, and commercial turtle food. With proper care, they can live for over 20 years, bringing color and life to your home.

Read more: 8 Best Types of Pet Turtles

Feeding and Nutrition for Pet Turtles

Taking care of your turtle means feeding it the right food and keeping it healthy. Here’s how you can do that:

What to Feed Your Turtle

Different turtles need different types of food.

  • Red-Eared Sliders: They like turtle pellets, leafy greens, and sometimes small insects or fish.
  • Painted Turtles: They enjoy similar food to red-eared sliders but also need aquatic plants.
  • Russian Tortoises: They eat leafy greens, vegetables, and sometimes fruit.
  • Box Turtles: They eat fruits, vegetables, and insects.

How Much and How Often to Feed

Feed your turtle a little bit of food every day or every other day. Don’t overfeed, as it can make them sick. Red-eared sliders and painted turtles might eat more often, while Russian tortoises and box turtles eat less. Watch their weight and adjust how much you feed them if needed.

Extra Nutrients

Sometimes, turtles need extra nutrients. Calcium helps make sure their shells stay strong and healthy. Ask a vet if you should give your turtle any extra vitamins or calcium supplements.

Common Health Concerns and Veterinary Care

To keep your turtle healthy, you need to watch for signs of illness and visit the vet regularly.

Spotting Health Problems

Turtles can get sick just like any other pet. Look for signs like not eating, acting different, or changes in their shell or skin. Common problems include shell rot, breathing issues, and parasites. If you see any of these signs, get in touch with a vet.

Regular Vet Check-Ups

It’s important to take your turtle to the vet for regular check-ups. A vet who knows about reptiles can give you tips on feeding, habitat, and care. Regular visits can help prevent health problems and catch any issues early.


When choosing a turtle as a pet, it’s important to pick one that fits well with your lifestyle. If you’re asking, “What turtles make good pets?” think about the red-eared slider, Russian tortoise, box turtle, or painted turtle. Each of these turtles has its own needs, but with the right care, they can be great pets.

At, we want to help you keep your turtle happy and healthy. By learning about their diet and health needs, you can make sure your turtle lives a long, joyful life. Remember to watch your turtle’s health and visit the vet if needed.

Picking the right turtle and taking good care of it means you’ll have a wonderful pet for many years to come.

FAQs About What Turtles Make Good Pets

What is the best turtle for beginners?

For beginners, the red-eared slider is often recommended. They are lively and easy to care for, but they do need a good-sized tank with both water and a dry area.

Are Russian tortoises good pets?

Yes, Russian tortoises make great pets, especially if you prefer a land turtle. They are small, tough, and simple to look after. They need a dry habitat and a diet of leafy greens and vegetables.

How long do pet turtles live?

Pet turtles can live a long time. For example, red-eared sliders and painted turtles can live for over 20 years. Box turtles often live for more than 30 years, so be prepared for a long-term commitment.

Do painted turtles make good pets?

Yes, painted turtles are good pets if you have space for a large tank. They are known for their colorful shells and enjoy having both water and land areas in their habitat.

What should I feed my turtle?

It depends on the species. Red-eared sliders and painted turtles enjoy turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasional live food. Russian tortoises need leafy greens and vegetables, while box turtles eat fruits, vegetables, and insects.

How often should I feed my turtle?

Feed your turtle a small amount of food every day or every other day. Don’t overfeed, as it can cause health problems. Adjust the amount based on your turtle’s needs and weight.

Do turtles need extra nutrients?

Sometimes, turtles need extra nutrients like calcium to keep their shells healthy. Check with a vet to see if your turtle needs any vitamin or calcium supplements.

How can I tell if my turtle is sick?

Watch for signs like not eating, changes in behavior, or problems with their shell or skin. If you notice any of these signs, contact a vet who specializes in reptiles.

Why are regular vet check-ups important for turtles?

Regular vet check-ups help prevent health problems and catch any issues early. A vet who knows about reptiles can provide important advice on diet and care.

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